Monday, December 20, 2010

Latest RC test

If you have installed the 1.9.1rc2 RC patch, see if this Windows client works for you. Please make sure to leave a comment if it does or does not work for you!

For those osx/linux users out there, here is a working diff. Put it into your elc source directory and run:
patch -p1 < awnagepatch20101220.diff

It does not separate out the chat by month unfortunately, but everything else should work as expected.

If you encounter a crash it is most likely because you have not installed the new image/actor files yet.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Welcome LNX

Entropy has given permission for guild LNX to join the Awnage testing community. Thanks go out to Bluap, Vegar, Placid, and Quesar for their contributions to the client and EL community in general.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Reminder about usage

A reminder about using this client. Only Riva, CEL, HIM, or JusT, have permission from Entropy/Radu to use the client. If you are not in this list, you risk being banned from EL. (hint hint Infinity)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

EPM Patch

Submitted the ExperiencePerMinute patch #002936 to Berlios. Kind of fun to watch it while harvesting. Now to get permission for Awnage....

Edit: Permission granted to add to full client on Feb 23,2010: "Yes, I guess it won't hurt. Post it in the programming forums and ask for someone to apply the patch."
I bet a lot of you are wondering what is happening with Awnage. Well, I took a several month break to focus on other things. Played some Runes of Magic which is really sweet but lacks a community aspect. There is a new client to be released rather soon (1.9). I have updated my patch files so we should be able to get out a Awnage 1.9 before too long.

Hatwood gave the suggestion to add an exp/min counter in the counters which I may implement if I get around to it. Remember, suggestions are always welcome, just post a comment so I can see them.