Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I submitted a client update to the repository today so that the new "You hurt yourself,..." gets added to the Events counter. It will track the number of times you hurt yourself, as opposed to how badly you hurt yourself. As usual, it will be included in our next release.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

1.8.3 Resurrection Eggs

For those who are twitching and itching to get the latest CVS with tracking of new harvest events and such, here is the latest patch. There are no Easter eggs in it though.
Note: The auto-close storage is now removed, in favor of the context menu option. Sure it is not as good as awnage, but I don't want to clutter up the code as much.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

CVS today: autoclose storage

Once more the official client gets closer to Awnage. CVS commit today from pjbroad:
: Add an option (dialogue title menu) to autoclose storage dialogue
Sure it is more featured than what we have in that you can configure it, but hey, we are three years ahead of the times.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

1.8.2 Silly Billy Goat

A big thanks to Lazerus of CEL for pointing out an options bug that has probably been around for ages.

Ryddler has provided the windows build again and, here is the diff file for 1.8.2 which should patch clean against today's CVS.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Update to the patch. Removed google support. Patches clean to today's CVS, which includes an auto #il when you login. Very handy. All the usual disclaimers go here. Download patch: diff

Friday, January 9, 2009

Awnage 1.8.0: Comfort Food

No changes since the last version. Just that good old Awnage feel.

Windows exe (2MB)
Linux Diff (36kB)

As usual, no screenshots are to be posted on the EL forums, the code/client is not to be distributed without permission, and donations are highly encouraged.

Props to Ryddler for the Windows binary.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

1.8.0 almost here

EL 1.8.0 is almost here. The version number was committed to CVS today.

And of course, I have a patchfile for Awnage ready as well that only needs a "patch -p1 < awnagepatch20090107.diff" to add the goodness. I just need to make a compile for Windows now...